Chapter XV

Captain Morgan leaves Hispaniola and goes to St. Catherine's, which he takes.

CAPTAIN MORGAN and his companions weighed anchor from the Cape of Tiburon, December 16, 1670. Four days after they arrived in sight of St. Catherine's, now in possession of the Spaniards again, as was said before, to which they commonly banish the malefactors of the Spanish dominions in the West Indies. Here are huge quantities of pigeons at certain seasons. It is watered by four rivulets, whereof two are always dry in summer. Here is no trade or commerce exercised by the inhabitants; neither do they plant more fruits than what are necessary for human life, though the country would make very good plantations of tobacco of considerable profit, were it cultivated.

As soon as Captain Morgan came near the island with his fleet, he sent one of his best sailing vessels to view the entry of the river, and see if any other ships were there, who might hinder him from landing; as also fearing lest they should give intelligence of his arrival to the inhabitants, and prevent his designs.

Next day, before sunrise, all the fleet anchored near the island, in a bay called Aguade Grande. On this bay the Spaniards had built a battery, mounted with four pieces of cannon. Captain Morgan landed about one thousand men in divers squadrons, marching through the woods, though they had no other guides than a few of his own men, who had been there before, under Mansvelt. The same day they came to a place where the governor sometimes resided: here they found a battery called the Platform, but nobody in it, the Spaniards having retired to the lesser island, which, as was said before, is so near the great one, that a short bridge only may conjoin them.

This lesser island was so well fortified with forts and batteries round it, as might seem impregnable. Hereupon, as soon as the Spaniards perceived the pirates approach, they fired on them so furiously, that they could advance nothing that day, but were content to retreat, and take up their rest in the open fields, which was not strange to these people, being sufficiently used to such kind of repose. What most afflicted them was hunger, having not eat anything that whole day. About midnight it rained so hard, that they had much ado to bear it, the greatest part of them having no other clothes than a pair of seaman's trousers or breeches, and a shirt, without shoes or stockings. In this great extremity they pulled down a few thatched houses to make fires withal; in a word, they were in such a condition, that one hundred men, indifferently well armed, might easily that night have torn them all in pieces. Next morning, about break of day, the rain ceased, and they dried their arms and marched on: but soon after it rained afresh, rather harder than before, as if the skies were melted into waters; which kept them from advancing towards the forts, whence the Spaniards continually fired at them.

The pirates were now reduced to great affliction and danger, through the hardness of the weather, their own nakedness, and great hunger; for a small relief hereof, they found in the fields an old horse, lean, and full of scabs and blotches, with galled back and sides: this they instantly killed and flayed, and divided in small pieces among themselves, as far as it would reach (for many could not get a morsel) which they roasted and devoured without salt or bread, more like ravenous wolves than men. The rain not ceasing, Captain Morgan perceived their minds to relent, hearing many of them say they would return on board. Among these fatigues of mind and body, he thought convenient to use some sudden remedy: to this effect, he commanded a canoe to be rigged in haste, and colours of truce to be hanged out. This canoe he sent to the Spanish governor, with this message: "That if within a few hours he delivered not himself and all his men into his hands, he did by that messenger swear to him, and all those that were in his company, he would most certainly put them to the sword, without granting quarter to any."

In the afternoon the canoe returned with this answer: "That the governor desired two hours' time to deliberate with his officers about it, which being past, he would give his positive answer." The time being elapsed, the governor sent two canoes with white colours, and two persons to treat with Captain Morgan; but, before they landed, they demanded of the pirates two persons as hostages. These were readily granted by Captain Morgan, who delivered them two of the captains for a pledge of the security required. With this the Spaniards propounded to Captain Morgan, that the governor, in a full assembly, had resolved to deliver up the island, not being provided with sufficient forces to defend it against such an armada. But withal, he desired Captain Morgan would be pleased to use a certain stratagem of war, for the better saving of his own credit, and the reputation of his officers both abroad and at home, which should be as follows:—That Captain Morgan would come with his troops by night to the bridge that joined the lesser island to the great one, and there attack the fort of St. Jerome: that at the same time all his fleet would draw near the castle of Santa Teresa, and attack it by land, landing, in the meanwhile, more troops near the battery of St. Matthew: that these troops being newly landed, should by this means intercept the governor as he endeavoured to pass to St. Jerome's fort, and then take him prisoner; using the formality, as if they forced him to deliver the castle; and that he would lead the English into it, under colour of being his own troops. That on both sides there should be continual firing, but without bullets, or at least into the air, so that no side might be hurt. That thus having obtained two such considerable forts, the chiefest of the isle, he need not take care for the rest, which must fall of course into his hands.

These propositions were granted by Captain Morgan, on condition they should see them faithfully observed; otherwise they should be used with the utmost rigour: this they promised to do, and took their leave, to give account of their negotiation to the governor. Presently after, Captain Morgan commanded the whole fleet to enter the port, and his men to be ready to assault, that night, the castle of St. Jerome. Thus the false battle began, with incessant firing from both the castles, against the ships, but without bullets, as was agreed. Then the pirates landed, and assaulted by night the lesser island, which they took, as also both fortresses; forcing the Spaniards, in appearance, to fly to the church. Before this assault, Captain Morgan sent word to the governor, that he should keep all his men together in a body; otherwise, if the pirates met any straggling Spaniards in the streets, they should certainly shoot them.

This island being taken by this unusual stratagem, and all things put in order, the pirates made a new war against the poultry, cattle, and all sorts of victuals they could find, for some days; scarce thinking of anything else than to kill, roast, and eat, and make what good cheer they could. If wood was wanting, they pulled down the houses, and made fires with the timber, as had been done before in the field. Next day they numbered all the prisoners they had taken upon the island, which were found to be in all four hundred and fifty-nine persons, men, women, and children; viz., one hundred and ninety soldiers of the garrison; forty inhabitants, who were married: forty-three children, thirty-four slaves, belonging to the king; with eight children, eight banditti, thirty-nine negroes belonging to private persons; with twenty-seven female blacks, and thirty-four children. The pirates disarmed all the Spaniards, and sent them out immediately to the plantations to seek for provisions, leaving the women in the church to exercise their devotions.

Soon after they reviewed the whole island, and all the fortresses thereof, which they found to be nine in all, viz., the fort of St. Jerome, next the bridge, had eight great guns, of twelve, six, and eight pounds carriage; with six pipes of muskets, every pipe containing ten muskets. Here they found still sixty muskets, with sufficient powder and other ammunition. The second fortress, called St. Matthew, had three guns, of eight pounds each. The third, and chiefest, named Santa Teresa, had twenty great guns, of eighteen, twelve, eight, and six pounds; with ten pipes of muskets, like those before, and ninety muskets remaining, besides other ammunition. This castle was built with stone and mortar, with very thick walls, and a large ditch round it, twenty feet deep, which, though it was dry, yet was very hard to get over. Here was no entry, but through one door, to the middle of the castle. Within it was a mount, almost inaccessible, with four pieces of cannon at the top; whence they could shoot directly into the port. On the sea side it was impregnable, by reason of the rocks round it, and the sea beating furiously upon them. To the land it was so commodiously seated on a mountain, as there was no access to it but by a path three or four feet broad. The fourth fortress was named St. Augustine, having three guns of eight and six pounds. The fifth, named La Plattaforma de la Conception, had only two guns, of eight pounds. The sixth, by name San Salvador, had likewise no more than two guns. The seventh, called Plattaforma de los Artilleros, had also two guns. The eighth, called Santa Cruz, had three guns. The ninth, called St. Joseph's Fort, had six guns, of twelve and eight pounds, besides two pipes of muskets, and sufficient ammunition.

In the storehouses were above thirty thousand pounds of powder, with all other ammunition, which was carried by the pirates on board. All the guns were stopped and nailed, and the fortresses demolished, except that of St. Jerome, where the pirates kept guard and resistance. Captain Morgan inquired for any banditti from Panama or Puerto Bello, and three were brought him, who pretended to be very expert in the avenues of those parts. He asked them to be his guides, and show him the securest ways to Panama, which, if they performed, he promised them equal shares in the plunder of that expedition, and their liberty when they arrived in Jamaica. These propositions the banditti readily accepted, promising to serve him very faithfully, especially one of the three, who was the greatest rogue, thief, and assassin among them, who had deserved rather to be broken alive on the wheel, than punished with serving in a garrison. This wicked fellow had a great ascendant over the other two, and domineered over them as he pleased, they not daring to disobey his orders.

Captain Morgan commanded four ships and one boat to be equipped, and provided with necessaries, to go and take the castle of Chagre, on the river of that name; neither would he go himself with his whole fleet, lest the Spaniards should be jealous of his farther design on Panama. In these vessels he embarked four hundred men, to put in execution these his orders. Meanwhile, himself remained in St. Catherine's with the rest of the fleet, expecting to hear of their success.

843 - 1095

С 843 по 1095 год

Поздний период Раннего Средневековья. От Верденского договора в 843 до Клермонского собора в 1095.

Глава 3

Борьба за Красный Петроград. Глава 3

Вначале ноября 1918 г. произошло резкое изменение общей политической обстановки в Европе, которое видоизменило характер внешнего окружения РСФСР и способствовало мирному продолжению того революционного процесса в России, который искусственно был задержан вторжением в Прибалтику и на Украину австро-германских войск. Германия была истощена годами мировой империалистической войны. В ноябре 1918 г. под влиянием Октябрьской революции она превратилась в арену крупных внутренних революционных событий. Трудящиеся массы Германии, переносившие все трудности империалистической бойни, дали классический образец массового революционного действия. 1 ноября 1918 г. началось восстание германских матросов в крепости Киль, к 5 ноября движение перекинулось в Берлин и другие города, принимая форму всеобщей забастовки и рабочих демонстраций. 9 ноября Вильгельм II был принужден отречься [66] от престола и бежал в Голландию. Того же числа Карл Либкнехт провозгласил Социалистическую республику в Германии. Бурно и быстро проходили события. Однако дальнейший ход германских событий пошел не по социалистическому пути; власть была взята шейдемановцами и независимыми социал-демократами. Истинные вожди германского пролетариата - Карл Либкнехт и Роза Люксембург были убиты по прямому приказу шейдемановцев. Несмотря на свою социальную сущность, германская революция все же сыграла решающую роль, изменив внешнее враждебное окружение Советской России. После подписанного 11 ноября 1918 г. перемирия между Антантой и Германией Антанта получила доступ в Черное и Балтийское моря, а следовательно, и возможность воздействия на ход гражданской войны в Советской России.

Chapter XIII

The pirates of Panama or The buccaneers of America : Chapter XIII

Captain Morgan goes to Hispaniola to equip a new fleet, with intent to pillage again on the coast of the West Indies. CAPTAIN MORGAN perceived now that Fortune favoured him, by giving success to all his enterprises, which occasioned him, as is usual in human affairs, to aspire to greater things, trusting she would always be constant to him. Such was the burning of Panama, wherein Fortune failed not to assist him, as she had done before, though she had led him thereto through a thousand difficulties. The history hereof I shall now relate, being so remarkable in all its circumstances, as peradventure nothing more deserving memory will be read by future ages. Captain Morgan arriving at Jamaica, found many of his officers and soldiers reduced to their former indigency, by their vices and debaucheries. Hence they perpetually importuned him for new exploits. Captain Morgan, willing to follow Fortune's call, stopped the mouths of many inhabitants of Jamaica, who were creditors to his men for large sums, with the hopes and promises of greater achievements than ever, by a new expedition. This done, he could easily levy men for any enterprise, his name being so famous through all those islands as that alone would readily bring him in more men than he could well employ. He undertook therefore to equip a new fleet, for which he assigned the south side of Tortuga as a place of rendezvous, writing letters to all the expert pirates there inhabiting, as also to the governor, and to the planters and hunters of Hispaniola, informing them of his intentions, and desiring their appearance, if they intended to go with him.

2. Поездка к северным пунктам лагеря

Записки «вредителя». Часть IV. Работа в «Рыбпроме». Подготовка к побегу. 2. Поездка к северным пунктам лагеря

Итак, «Рыбпром» ГПУ решил командировать меня в «научную экспедицию» по обследованию своих промыслов, но предварительно я должен был два дня носиться по всем канцеляриям лагеря для выполнения бесчисленных формальностей и собрать целый ворох документов и удостоверений, с которыми и впредь требовалось немало возни. Первое — это был воинский железнодорожный билет, полученный по литере ГПУ. Второе — удостоверение на право ношения «вольной» одежды: в случае командировок за пределы лагеря заключенные отпускаются в своем платье, чтобы не привлекать внимания публики. Третье — командировочное свидетельство, написанное крайне односложно: «Ихтиолог, заключенный Чернавин, командируется в Северный район для исследования сроком на десять дней». Четвертое — подробная инструкция для производства работы, которую писал я сам, но на бланке «Рыбпрома», и которая была подписана начальником «Рыбпрома» Симанковым; из этой инструкции следовало, что я должен странствовать на лодке два месяца. «Неувязка» в этих двух последних документах была очевидна, но по правилам управления лагеря удостоверения на срок больше, чем десять дней, не выдаются, и они продляются на месте, после сношения с Кемью по телеграфу. В любом пункте, кроме того, начальник охраны мог задержать меня и отправить под конвоем обратно, если я покажусь ему подозрительным или просто не понравлюсь.

Chapter VIII

The voyage of the Beagle. Chapter VIII. Banda Oriental and Patagonia

Excursion to Colonia del Sacramiento Value of an Estancia Cattle, how counted Singular Breed of Oxen Perforated Pebbles Shepherd Dogs Horses broken-in, Gauchos riding Character of Inhabitants Rio Plata Flocks of Butterflies Aeronaut Spiders Phosphorescence of the Sea Port Desire Guanaco Port St. Julian Geology of Patagonia Fossil gigantic Animal Types of Organization constant Change in the Zoology of America Causes of Extinction HAVING been delayed for nearly a fortnight in the city, I was glad to escape on board a packet bound for Monte Video. A town in a state of blockade must always be a disagreeable place of residence; in this case moreover there were constant apprehensions from robbers within. The sentinels were the worst of all; for, from their office and from having arms in their hands, they robbed with a degree of authority which other men could not imitate. Our passage was a very long and tedious one. The Plata looks like a noble estuary on the map; but is in truth a poor affair. A wide expanse of muddy water has neither grandeur nor beauty. At one time of the day, the two shores, both of which are extremely low, could just be distinguished from the deck. On arriving at Monte Video I found that the Beagle would not sail for some time, so I prepared for a short excursion in this part of Banda Oriental. Everything which I have said about the country near Maldonado is applicable to Monte Video; but the land, with the one exception of the Green Mount 450 feet high, from which it takes its name, is far more level.

The pirates of Panama or The buccaneers of America

John Esquemeling : New York, Frederick A. Stokes company publishers, 1914

A true account of the famous adventures and daring deeds of Sir Henry Morgan and other notorious freebooters of the Spanish main by John Esquemeling, one of the buccaneers who was present at those tragedies. Contents

Глава 25

Сквозь ад русской революции. Воспоминания гардемарина. 1914–1919. Глава 25

В августе 1919 года верховное командование красных решило покончить с Северо-западной армией, которая в это время приблизилась на опасное расстояние к Петрограду. На позициях красных за линией фронта наблюдались признаки повышенной активности, пленные сообщали о ежедневном прибытии на фронт свежих красных дивизий. Мы ожидали крупного наступления каждое утро и пытались предотвратить главный удар. Но еще до того, как красные выбрали время для его нанесения, мы получили приказ штаба о всеобщем отступлении. Большинство железнодорожных путей и шоссе между Петроградом и границей Эстонии тянулись по прямой линии с востока на запад, но по каким-то непонятным причинам было приказано оставить главные пути и отступать в юго-западном направлении. Лишь бронепоезда были вынуждены двигаться на запад по основному пути на Ямбург, нам дали указания обеспечивать их свободное прохождение до тех пор, пока последняя воинская часть не перейдет железнодорожное полотно с севера. Во время отступления нервозность всегда достигает апогея, все становится возможным, когда войска перемещаются по проселочным дорогам в стороне от известных им ориентиров. Когда белые пехотинцы отступили за железнодорожные пути, противник совершил рывок вперед вдоль прибрежного шоссе, тянувшегося параллельно железной дороге. На другой день мы все еще находились на расстоянии примерно 50 миль к востоку от Ямбурга и стояли перед угрозой быть отрезанными от своей базы.

27. Несколько слов о странностях, необъяснимых и необъяснённых

Перевал Дятлова. Смерть, идущая по следу... 27. Несколько слов о странностях, необъяснимых и необъяснённых

В истории последнего похода Игоря Дятлова имеется ещё один в высшей степени интересный с точки зрения версии "контролируемой поставки" момент, который, однако, до сих пор не вызывал интереса "профессиональных исследователей" этой трагедии. Их невнимание к данному эпизоду лишний раз с очевидностью доказывает непонимание этими самыми "исследователями" того, как работала советская система сохранения гостайны: наивные мальчиши-кибальчиши видят воистину фантастические происки "злобного КГБ" в мацерации стоп Рустема Слободина и постановке палатки на склоне Холат-Сяхыл, но при этом неспособны оценить события и свидетельства по-настоящему подозрительные. О чём идёт речь? Для начала цитата из походного дневника группы, сугубо для того, чтобы, не обременять читателя авторской речью: "24 января. На вокзале встретили ужас как гостеприимно: не впустили в помещение, и милиционер навострил уши; в городе все спокойно, преступлений и нарушений никаких, как при коммунизме; и тут Ю.Криво затянул песню, его в один момент схватили и увели. Отмечая для памяти гр-на Кривонищенко, сержант дал разъяснение, что п.3 правил внутр. распорядка на вокзалах запрещает нарушать спокойствие пассажиров. Это, пожалуй, первый вокзал, где запрещены песни и где мы сидели без них." А вот рассказы о том же самом инциденте в дневниках участников похода. Зинаида Колмогорова: "25.01.59 г. (...) Да мы уже 2 раза были замечены милицией. Один раз в отделение милиции забрали Юрку Крив., он хотел собрать деньги на конфеты. Было смешно. (...)". А вот запись Людмилы Дубининой: "24 января. (...) Произошёл один небольшой казус - Юрку К. забрали в милицию, обвиняя его в обмане.

Государственная дума и тактика социал-демократии

Сталин И.В. Cочинения. - Т. 1. - М.: ОГИЗ; Государственное издательство политической литературы, 1946. С. 206–213.

Вы, наверное, слышали об освобождении крестьян, Это было время, когда правительство получало двойной удар: извне – поражение в Крыму, изнутри – крестьянское движение. Потому-то правительство, подхлёстываемое с двух сторон, вынуждено было уступить и заговорило об освобождении крестьян: "Мы должны сами освободить крестьян сверху, а то народ восстанет и собственными руками добьется освобождения снизу". Мы знаем, что это было за "освобождение сверху"... И если тогда народ поддался обману, если правительству удались его фарисейские планы, если оно с помощью реформ укрепило свое положение и тем самым отсрочило победу народа, то это, между прочим, означает, что тогда народ еще не был подготовлен и его легко можно было обмануть. Такая же история повторяется в жизни России и теперь. Как известно, и теперь правительство получает такой же двойной удар: извне – поражение в Манчжурии, изнутри – народная революция. Как известно, правительство, подхлестываемое с двух сторон, принуждено еще раз уступить и так же, как и тогда, [c.206] толкует о "реформах сверху": "Мы должны дать народу Государственную думу сверху, а то народ восстанет и сам созовет Учредительное собрание снизу". Таким образом, созывом Думы они хотят утихомирить народную революцию, точно так же, как уже однажды "освобождением крестьян" утихомирили великое крестьянское движение. Отсюда наша задача – со всей решимостью расстроить планы реакции, смести Государственную думу и тем самым расчистить путь народной революции. Но что такое Дума, из кого она состоит? Дума – это ублюдочный парламент.

Список иллюстраций

Короли подплава в море червонных валетов. Список иллюстраций

Глава 6

Сквозь ад русской революции. Воспоминания гардемарина. 1914–1919. Глава 6

Революция в марте (по старому стилю. – Примеч. пер.) заранее не планировалась. Гнев вывел людей на улицы Петрограда протестовать против безнадежной глупости правительства. Они вышли бунтовать, но не встретили никакого сопротивления и обнаружили, к своему удивлению, что совершили революцию. Пораженные неожиданной победой, массы людей стали искать руководителей и, разумеется, направились в Думу – единственную ветвь власти, избранную всенародным голосованием. До последнего дня думские лидеры не подозревали о таком повороте событий. Они одновременно и стремились погасить революционную волну, и пользовались уличными беспорядками в качестве средства вразумления правительства. Неожиданно они поняли, что русская монархия уходит в прошлое и что они востребованы в качестве ее преемников. Лидеры либеральных и радикальных оппозиционных партий без воодушевления встретили необходимость выбора между взятием в свои руки руля правления страной и попустительством ее дрейфу в сторону анархии. Лишь в министерстве внутренних дел предвидели общественную бурю, но сумасбродный Протопопов воспринимал сигналы об этом без всякой тревоги. Он считал, что открытый бунт даст повод для подавления его силой. Соответственно, полицию Петрограда вооружили армейскими пулеметами и приказали ей действовать без предварительного уведомления. Непосредственной причиной революции стал промышленный кризис. Заводские рабочие бастовали и устраивали уличные демонстрации, протестуя против нехватки продовольствия и несоответствия зарплаты и стоимости жизни.

1789 - 1815

From 1789 to 1815

The French Revolution, Directory, Consulate and Napoleon epoch from 1789 to 1815.